Somali Women Voices Organization (SOWOVO)
in collaboration with Somaliska Institutet för
Demokratisk Alternativet (SOIDA) is making a call for application for Cohort 2 of young women
parliamentarians, Women Youth Groups, Women in Private organizations, Women Activists and men
as well to join the iLead 2023, an inclusive leadership academy, where they will receive one-on-one
training and mentorship that will strengthen the capacity of inclusive political participation in Somalia.
Somaliska Institutet för Demokratisk Alternativ (SOIDA)
will work with the Somalia Women
Voices Organization (SOWOVO) to empower 20 participants, who will undergo a vigorous selection
process. Participants will be young women, youths and persons with dissabilities. Under this Project
Strengthening the capacity of inclusive political participation in Somalia, Somalia Women Voices,
intend to advocate for an all inclusive political leadership right from the grass root level to the national
iLead 2023 seeks to equip 20 young leaders that will benefit directly, the beneficiaries will be
recruited from all the corners of Somalia from grassroots to national level. Furthermore, the project
will expands the visibility and voice of the target beneficiaries in the leadership process not just as
candidates but also as key strategic holders in influencing positions at the political parties and
cooperate grassroots level so as to push inclusive policies. Through this project, the project will in
total run for one year with 3 months of one-on-one intensive training. Participants will be privileged
with hearing from leadership experts on SOWOVO’s sHEVoices platform, get to share their
leadership stories on SOWOVOTalks and finally graduate into leadership after being empowered with
skills to advocate for an all inclusive political participation.
Applicants should meet the following criteria;
- Must be women and men as well, citizens of the Federal Republic of Somalia
aged 21 years and above and have participated in previous workshops by SOWOVO. - Be aspiring for a political position or in leadership positions either; political, organizational,
student leadership, corporate or activists who are leading impactful movements in Somalia. - Must be ready to undergo training and mentorship spread over the one year period with 3
months of intensive training and as will be communicated accordingly. - Must be able to speak fluent Somali and or basic English.

More women, youths and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply for iLead 2023.
Applications should be send to Email: not later than the midnight of 10th
June 2023 Somali time. Only short listed participants will receive a communication from us.
Our partners in this program is the Somali Institute of Democratic Alternatives (SOIDA) and Forum
CIV. For more information call Phone: +252 611 118 051